Wednesday, March 11, 2009

perhaps, perhaps, perhaps..

So you all lose, I made it to Ireland in one piece, barely.

The day has been interesting, On the tourist persepective I would just say that this place is fantastic, everything I could want in a city. No one stop for everything bullshit. But on the more emotional perspective, I am left with this question circling around my head in never ending circles:

Can a person change?

I mean, it's harder to change in front of people you know, because they well, already know you, and expect a certain way. But moving to a country where you know no one, you could hypothetically get away with it. For me though, I don't particularly want to change. I like myself, and the way I get along with people, that is when I know them, even for a minute. The thing I don't like about myself is my fear of doing thing's by myself, even simple thing's like going to the gym, or striking up a conversation with a stranger. And it's not that I don't want too, I would love love love someone to approach me. Going to Ireland by myself was kind of a challenge I purposely put on myself to get me out of this way, and to be completely honest, I am failing at the challenge. I mean, I came, so I guess that's a start. And I am aware of it, but I can't get myself out of it. And as much as I would to run crying home to my friends right now, I will not, I will not let this one day (that was run on about 5 hours sleep in the past 48) define this for me, I will take advantage of the city, I will start a life, I will find great friends. (Not as great as the one's I've already got though : )) However, I am pretty emo, so I'll leave you with this... (ps words of encouragement would be greaaaat right now haha)

In a city with hundreds of people passing you by the minute, I've never felt so alone.

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