Tuesday, March 10, 2009

new jersey sucks.

Well look at me blogging and shit. Isn't this cute! Not much else to do In New Jersey airport : ( I half want to leave and go shopping, but then I'll probably miss my flight, who bet on me not getting out of the states anyways? I'm surprised I've made it this far, Air Canada people are actually so mean : ( haha. Leaving this morning was really hard, it actually didn't hit me until I was driving to the airport, followed by crying times with mom, with just me crying. (THANKS MA) oh and randomly seeing roger at the airport, so gettng a roger good-bye hug definietly helped, haha. But now travelling along the world is getting me excited and I'm not so much crying anymore, which is always good.... anywaysss... sentimental st. john's times now!

So 3 monthes later I am leaving, more or less in the exact same financial situation I found myself coming home with, go Lora for saving money. When I first got back to St. John’s I was in a really dark place, Fort McMurray had definitely made a huge negative impact on my life. I felt very alone even though I was suppose to be home, but with help from some great friends, I can say I definitely felt good about my life in St. John’s when I left, and dispite my reasoning for my extended stay in St. John’s going to complete shit, I’m glad I did. So here’s a speial shout out to some of the people who made it worth it for me:

- Joey Miller, dispite failing miserably at staying in contact, as soon we reunited it was as if no time had passed. Holla at you for always hanging out with me.

- The Merrymeeting girls and extended crowd for welcoming my completely overwanted stay, I spent a lot of time in that house and I think all of you are absolutely fabulous, I was really glad we got that time to become closer friends.

- Melissa Foley for being the love of my fucking life! As soon as I met this girl I knew she was gold. You rock for motivating me to go to the gym, and just got being a good friend

- Not that teletech was beneficial to me but I did meet some pretty right on people there. Roger, Chris, Laurie, Travis, Matt, Jared, pretty much everyone was very right on, besides the trainers. Someone I’m especially glad that I met is Chris Carter – Who gets his own shout out, cause you are a fucking awesome person, and I hope that we continue to hang out when I return home, cause I love your company!

- Dave for pretty much being my only friend in December, haha. And for all the late night chats… and tking care fo me while I died with Stephenville flu… haha come visit : )

- The corwd at Darryls for fun drunk times, and a great new years even though I was dying. Exspecially Ryan and Jake, I loved spending time with you guys : )

- Anyone I met on the west coast because I love it there, haha.

- Kat and Shane for being the best ever! I was so happy when you guys were at the aiport!  I can’t wait for you guys to come to Europe for some crazy adventures!

- Richard Lake, even though we got divorced I still loves you, and I’d imagine I always will, INDIA BABY

- My parents for letting me fucking live of them for 3 monthes! Haha, and for just being fantastic

- My kitty, cause I’m gonna miss her a ridiculous amount

I'm sure there's a few more too, I'm running on very minimal sleep so don't be hatin'! Those are the main points that stick out in my head anyways. I hope that this adventure is good for me…. Right now I have no idea what to think… All I know is after Toronto this plane goes to Fort McMurray and just knowing that I’m getting off before that puts the biggest smile on my face! Guess we’ll just have to see! I miss you all so much though already, MUCH LOVE!!!!!! xoxoxx

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