Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Berlin recap... Got here on Wedesday, night after St. Paddy's day.. Jet lagged + Hangover = sleep until Thursday. Thursday I uh.... damn, I've already forgotten. I should update this more often.
Fridayy... Oh, we invite Australian boy (Luke) over and he brings Turkish goods. Thing's get a little weird.

Come Saturday... Market! Market's are tres busy. Got yummy goods, led to baked delicious Lasagna goodness, had Larissa over (super fun and where I want to be when I'm 27)... went to go see Luke play! People smoke in bars everywhere. Berlin is fun at night.

Sunday morning.. awkaen.. surprisgningly.. go see the coolest market ever! Followed by yummy brunch. The rest of my day appears to be a blur.

I know on Monday I went to the zoo, which was fun, but mildly depressing. I played games with a polar bear, and took sympathy on the monkeys... Tuesday, being yesterday, we went to the "East Side Gallery" and explored more amazing Berlin graffiti afterwards, had amazing chai tea latte. Did a bit of funky shopping, got me nails did.

Today we ventured to "Alexander Platz" and took the TV tower, it's the CN tower but looking over Berlin to put it briefly. Nice view though! Then checked out the Holacaust memorial (depressing, but interesting) and some neat shops along the way. Tonight I believe we're going to Larissa's to prime for "Watergate" (a bar that doesn' open until 12.... bad news). Hopefully I will awake tomorow for my last day in Berlin, seriously debating hitting up legoland, or the DDR museum... we'll see.

I'm looking forward to my return to Ireland, but I will miss the cheapness of Berlin deeply. Looking forward to seeing certain bearded creatues though ; )

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