Thursday, April 30, 2009


So I have moved.

Not far. From the glamourous life of 530 euros a month for a beautiful apartment that makes you feel like you are entering a world of riches everytime you put the key into the electric lock. I have moved to the life of Brett and Jermaine where your key not-so-willingly opens your door above an electronic shop, into the amiss of cheap-ass rent and incense.

love it.

 i've given up on the dream of riches in dublin and gotten myself a library card, learning slowly how to live off minimal money, and enjoy tescovalue products. though GOOD NEWS has stricken - all those "gst" and "tax returns" that i thought the goverment just didnt like me enough to give, have been going to misaleneous TD account opened in the year 2002. So when I figure out WHAT the fuck this account is, days in spain and greece will soon be my life.

pretty sweet.

Monday, April 13, 2009

there's another story around the corner.

crashed out.

oh what a life it would be, to party every night, stay up until the morning birds sing you to sleep, and never work a day.

unfortunately, fun means money. no way around it.

aaahhhh. stupid economy! stop sucking plz!

Friday, April 3, 2009

i make no sense.

so, as liam pointed out the other night, being in a new place really expands your emotions. you're not just "sad" or "happy" - it's an extremity of one. when you're lonely and sad, you're REALLY lonely and sad. and when you're having a good time - you're having a REALLY good time.

right now i just feel tired.
i found an amazing boy, who's gone to the other side of the country continent.
i found an amazing job, that i feel bad for getting.
i found an amazing apartment, that i can't really afford.

 i'm really glad i did this for myself, i already feel like i've grown so much just from the first day i got here, where i hid on msn. but it all just kind of feels like a fantasy i'm living in sometimes. can i travel around the whole continent? can i make this much money? can i be happy? can i feel so at home, that i don't miss home?

i need a cat, 0r 4.